JAW PEER is a product fully in line with the 17 UN Global Sustainable Development Goals( SDGs). Humanity must surpass itself in order to achieve all goals within a reasonable time. This requires creativity, perseverance, and concentration. Chewing can enhance these three properties. Suppose CHEW PEER can improve the user’s cognitive ability. This means that we can indirectly contribute to our customers coming up with creative solutions to all 17 challenges. Chewing can also help provide the extra energy needed to implement these necessary changes.
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Our products can be used from 4 years and up and different age groups enjoy them in different ways. For the youngest, it’s mostly about chewing to develop even rows of teeth. Schoolchildren and students can use them to concentrate. Young adults to improve their facial shape and beauty. Many professions requires that you can work under stress and chewing then can be valuable. Finally, older people who want to slow down aging and avoid wrinkles and dementia.
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovations. The strategy to reach Goal Nine is to help other people become creative and entrepreneurial. CHEW PEER in this respect can be fully comparable to powerful smart drugs such as Ritalin and Racetam but without negative side effects. Suppose CHEW PEER can improve the user’s cognitive ability. This means that we can indirectly contribute to our customers coming up with creative solutions to all 17 challenges. Chewing can also help provide the extra energy needed to implement these necessary changes.
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. JAWPEER is the chewing equivalent of organic cloth diapers. We replace trashy disposable chewing gum with elastic chewing products that are reused many times. Subscribers return the worn-out products to us so that we can recycle them. We will manufacture yoga mats and meditation pillows from old CHEW PEER. Subscribers can then buy these rarities, made from well-chewed recycling materials.