Plastic chewing gum has poorer chewing resistance than elastic chewing gum like CHEW PEER. On the Shore scale, plastic chewing gum does not give a rash, unlike elastic. Therefore, plastic chewing gum is likely to produce less effect on the brain. A study by the Karolinska Trial Alliance will compare them. Subjects will chew elastic and plastic chewing gum while measuring blood flow in the brain. Because elastic chewing gum is harder, a greater chewing force is required. The hypothesis is that it also increases blood flow more in the brain. But even if it doesn’t, JAWPEER is useful. On the one hand, there are many studies that prove that chewing is a good thing. Partly, many people feel that it is more pleasant to chew CHEW PEER than chewing gum.
Plastic Chewing Gum is Softer than Elastic
Plastic chewing gum is very soft compared to CHEW PEER and has almost no chewing resistance. It means chewing through the rubber completely. Therefore, harder chewing gum soured than usual to show good results in scientific tests. The hardness of elastic materials is measured in the Scale Shore A. CHEW PEER is made of a material that is much harder than plastic chewing gums. That means they are around 30-40 on the Shore scale, compared to plastic chewing gum that has 0 (zero) on the same scale. Therefore, the effects of plastic chewing gums on the brain are unlikely to be as great as from elastic gums.
The Taste from Plastic Chewing Gum Distract the Brain
Another thing that makes CHEW PEER better than chewing gum for the brain is the taste. Research seems to show that chewing a tasteless product makes the brain faster. For example, a research study measured how different gum flavors affected reaction time in a Stroop test. Those who chewed mint gum had the same reaction time as those who did not chew at all. But the reaction time for lemon flavor was even slower. The lemon flavor seems to overload the brain, leading to a temporary deterioration of cognitive functions. Plastic chewing gum has both poor chewing resistance and can have a distracting taste. Therefore, it can even negatively affect cognitive ability when chewing. In conclusion, elastic chewing gum – which tastes nothing and has better chewing resistance – benefits the brain more. But we won’t know for sure until the KTA pilot study is complete.