Powerful chewing can probably counteract dementia. Research has shown that chewing increases blood flow to parts of the brain that suffer from dementia. Every year we get older, blood flow in the brain deteriorates by half a percent. Reduced blood flow means that the brain cells do not get oxygen and nutrition and that they gradually die. It can lead to dementia that is common among the elderly.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia
The most common dementia is Alzheimer’s. It usually comes stealthily after the age of 65. Alzheimer’s disease affects functions such as memory, thinking, and the ability to find things. About 20% of all dementia cases are cerebrovascular, they impair blood flow in the brain. Sufferers often have high blood pressure and many elderly people have both Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. Those affected become slow, have difficulty taking initiative and have problems coping with everyday tasks. Depression can be an early symptom. Read more about different forms of dementia here.
Chewing stimulates the hippocampus
Chewing is an effective way to maintain hippocampus performance, which deteriorates with age. Therefore, powerful chewing can counteract dementia in older people. Chewing increases blood flow in the brain and activates several different brain areas. Oxygen levels increase, among other things, in the hippocampus through chewing. Several studies in humans have shown that powerful chewing is effective in preserving brain functions that otherwise deteriorate with aging. Research from the EU reports on a link between oral health and cognitive functions.
Even healthy people benefit from chewing
Chewing can instantly provide better-thinking, improved word memory, and shortened reaction time. People aged 70-74 years without dementia but with poor chewing ability perform worse on a cognitive test than those with a good chewing ability. The chewing function assesses in terms of the number of teeth, maximum biting force, and the contact surface between the teeth. For normal subjects, all these values are higher than in subjects with cognitive impairment. Results show that chewing is linked to cognitive status, especially in older people.
JAWPEER is a Swedish chewing product with significantly greater chewing resistance than chewing gum. Chewing increases blood flow in the brain. The product developer has Alzheimer’s in the family. He uses CHEWPEER for at least an hour a day for a year and is very clear-minded. He recommends that others who are at risk for developing dementia should consider doing the same. Get JAWPEER and start chewing to keep the brain vital.