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Manage Your Emotions by Chewing

You can manage you emotions by chewing. This is a reason to use JAWPEER.

Did you know that you can deal with emotions by chewing? Frustration, anxiety, anger, fear, hubris, jealousy, and nervousness often lead to tension in the mouth and jaws. Chewing is a part of digestion that we can control consciously. This means that we can use our teeth to deal with emotions. Biting helps to balance the basic functions of the brain and control strong emotions.

Have you ever wondered why crispy food is so popular, why chips, biscuits, and cereals often promote with the word “crispy”? Biting and chewing appeal to parts of the brain that are very old. For predators, teeth are the body’s built-in weapon. The combination of teeth, jaws, and cranial nerves connect parts of the brain that are over 500 million years old and that all vertebrates have in common.

Chewing Releases Natural Aggression

Psychologists use to explain children’s desire to bite and chew on things by referring to our natural aggression. The bite reflex is vital for infants in connection with breastfeeding. By biting the nipple, the baby stimulates milk production. When the baby no longer receives food from the breast, it begins to bite into other things to stimulate the mouth. Pleasure is often associated with the mouth, but also its opposites: pain and anger.

In many psychological analyzes of oral needs, the jaw is associated with anger and aggression. When these feelings are held back, they can manifest themselves as tension in the face and clenched jaw. Unresolved aggression has also been used as an explanation for bruxism – that many people gnash their teeth at night.

Manage Your Emotions by Chewing JAWPEER

Because we can control chewing consciously, we can also satisfy our craving to bite. It does not have to be about anger and aggression at all. Many people feel like biting when they see very attractive objects, like cute animals, babies, or sexy people. The phenomenon is called “cute aggression”. Regardless, it is a matter of dealing with emotions by chewing. Strong emotions trigger hormone storms in the brain. JAWPEER’s chewing resistance allows you to express feelings properly with the teeth, chew until the jaw muscles burns, and enjoy the feeling.

Just as predators show their teeth and bite their jaws when they get angry or scared, people channel their emotions via facial muscles. Research shows that chewing calms the HPA-axis that produces stress hormones. From an evolutionary perspective, chewing and biting is a way to regulate the levels of adrenaline and cortisol that can damage the brain if they overflow.

Many People Chew Their Food Far Too Little

Chewing secretes saliva that releases flavors from food. It satisfies the sense of taste and helps regulate digestion. But many do not enjoy the taste. They are driven by a desire to quickly swallow the bites. One reason may be tension or aggression in relation to food that is expressed in binge eating. Food psychologist Marc David believes that TMJ (jaw problems) is also often due to repressed emotions.

The drive to swallow whole bites can be seen as an expression of our approach to the world. We want to satisfy our desires but are not willing to make the necessary sacrifices. The need for instant satisfaction leads to binge eating and poor chewing. Ironically, we get hungrier if we do not chew enough. The saliva that is secreted when we chew contains the hormone Leptin which is taken up by the stomach and gives feelings of satiety.

Chewing Is a Way To Deal With Emotions

Many people get an outlet for their suppressed aggression by biting crunchy food or sweets. It seems that they are venting their anger over the chips, cheesecakes or breakfast cereals. They throw in the food and then there is a feeling of calm. This is not a good way to deal with the problem as it can upset the metabolism and lead to obesity. But there are other, less destructive way to express the anger and frustration.

Bite cravings are common. It can be about dealing with unpleasant feelings that we want to avoid. Frustration, anxiety, anger, hatred, fear, hubris or nervousness often lead to tension in the jaws. If you feel a strong need to bite into something hard and chew it properly, it’s nice to have JAWPEER nearby.

Do you have a personal story about chewing that you want to share? Feel free to write a comment!

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JAWPEER is a lifestyle product

JAWPEER is a lifestyle product that fits active persons like BMX biking queen Tanja Anderman.

For 36-year-old Tanja Andelman, JAWPEER is a lifestyle product. Tanja’s lifestyle is about health, exercise, diet, yoga, and social media. Her greatest passion is BMX biking. It places enormous demands on both the body and the brain. Then she uses JAWPEER to activate neurotransmitters that keep her awake and focused.

Tanja changed her life

Tanja may seem as strong and independent as Pippi Longstocking, but she has not always been. As a teenager, she had low self-esteem. She smoked, abused food, and weighed over 80 kilos. She felt different and became depressed. Finally, she came to a point where she decided to change her life. Tanja contacted a dietitian, changed her diet and started exercising. With new healthy habits, the pounds plummeted and self-confidence returned. But she also realized that there was a reason she had abused food.

Mountainbike + JAWPEER = control

Tanja has a diagnosis of ADHD and is almost addicted to kicks. People with her disposition get bored easily and many use drugs. Tanja neither smokes nor drinks; her drug is mountain biking. With JAWPEER in her mouth and the bike between her legs, Tanja has control over life. At the same time, she gets the adrenaline rush she needs to feel alive. She also uses JAWPEER when she needs to concentrate. Likes that they are environmentally friendly and natural, that they have no artificial taste. Perfect for chewing on instead of snacking.

JAWPEER fits extreme individualist’s

On Instagram, Tanja appears almost like a superhero. She always dresses nicely and likes to play with the image of herself. She does not always feel as cool as in the pictures, but she strives to be beautiful, strong and harmonious. Sure, she likes praise, but at the same time, she is an extreme individualist. If Tanja is allowed to give personal advice, it is to find out what makes you happy. Be as accurate as possible. Find your own goals and it will be easier to create a balanced life.

JAWPEER keeps the balance

Like others, Tanja struggles to keep her balance in life. Sometimes it goes up and sometimes it goes down. Her impressive energy and lust for life come from inside. When she rides a bike, she feels like a child again. A combination of movement, presence, speed, struggle and risks gives feelings of happiness. JAWPEER is a lifestyle product that fits her. It provides control and nature around gives peace of mind. A poem on the Instagram account summarizes what motivates and balances Tanja’s existence:

To find peace
To find silence
To find strength
To find meaning

To be in the moment
To have fun
To be careless and free
To reconnect with the kid in me

To look good
To feel great
To have fun
To be badas


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The Invention of Elastic Chewing Gum

The invention of elastic chewing gum reveals that different designs are associated with various cognitive facilities.

The invention of elastic chewing gum is a disruptive development. Chewing gum has been around for at least 8,000 years. For at least 100 years, we know that it stimulates the brain and makes us feel alert. Exactly how it works is still not clear. In the 1980s, people began to examine brains with magnetic resonance imaging. They found that chewing increases blood flow in the central parts of the brain. After that, Japanese researchers continued to investigate the effects of chewing. In 2017, a study showed that chewing affects the HPA axis that regulates stress levels. The following year, it was also possible to prove that harder chewing resistance gives a better effect. At the same time, it became fashionable in the western world to train facial muscles.

Better Results From Elastic Chewing Gum

The invention of elastic chewing gum built on a discovery that Peer Norbäck made when chewing. He trained cognitive abilities simultaneously and noticed that his performance improved when he chewed. Peer then became curious. Therefore, he began to study all the world’s research reports that had to do with chewing. Peer realized that modern people chew too little. Then he also understood why hard chewing had this unexpected effect on the brain. Peer filed the first patent application in June 2019 (pat. No. 602778), and the following month, the company JAWPEER was formed to develop the invention of elastic chewing gum.

Environmentally Friendly and Non-Toxic

When Peer began to develop the first CHEWPEER (pat. No. 605914), he put high requirements. He decided that they should be environmentally friendly, free from toxic and safe to chew on. No harmful substances must excrete even if you chew hard. The independent research institute RISE built a machine to investigate the matter. The requirement was that they should not excrete any measurable harmful substances at all. The accuracy of the measurements was 1 ppm and CHEWPEER passed the test with no remarks. Other jaw trainers on the market are not as clean. The unique thing about JAWPEER is environmental awareness and that the products both train the face and stimulate the brain.

Designed for Both Young and Old

To minimize the risks, CHEWPEER’s design is a pattern torus (pat. No. 84699). A torus has a hole in the middle that you can breathe through if you happen to put it in the throat. It is also possible to attach a safety line to the hole. The chewing product can thus be used by both young and old. These groups benefit from chewing in different ways. Jaws, facial form, and teeth develop by chewing during childhood. Dementia that affects the elderly is associated with reduced blood flow in the brain, something that chewing can counteract. Increased blood flow in the brain also means that the brain’s ventricles fill with fluid that can flush out debris at night through the newly discovered perivascular system.

Different Models of Elastic Chewing Gum

After trying the product on a set of test users, Peer realized that different people had different chewing needs. Therefore, he developed a series of models with different sizes and hardness. They also got different pattern designs. The invention of elastic chewing gum is much more environmentally friendly than traditional “plastic” chewing gums. When the new products came from the factory, Peer tested them again. Then he noticed something exciting: different designs are associated with various cognitive facilities. A new technical patent was filed in June 2020 (Patent Pending 2030192-5)

Development of the Medical Device

Research is underway to investigate whether the hardness, size, or texture causes different CHEWPEER’s to have other effects on the brain. And the development will not stop with this study. Part of the innovation is about enhancing CHEWPEER with a sensor that registers how much you chew, which force, and which teeth to use. The statistics transfer to an app that maintains the usage. At the same time, saliva in the mouth is analyzed. Saliva contains a lot of information about the user’s health. This medical technology development starts as soon as we have the financial means needed.

CHEW PEER Prevented Sore Throat

One night Peer woke up with an itching throat during the Corona Pandemic 2020. Peer did not want to get sick. To prevent coughing, Peer put CHEWPEER in a vitamin C solution and swallowed it. Then he pulled it up with the safety line. He repeated this a few times and it had an effect. He was thus able to prevent the virus from cultivating in the throat. Since then, he has used the technology to keep colds away and always managed to stop them. The ability to prevent colds is a bonus included in the product’s patent.

Help From a Knowledgeable Patent Engineer

From early development, Peer protected the innovations in every conceivable way. The team around JAWPEER includes one of Sweden’s most knowledgeable Patent Attorneys, Lars A Wern. Wern is both an intellectual inventor and legally knowledgeable in intellectual property rights. He knows how innovative inventions usually develop. It starts with an independent inventor doing empirical experiments acquiring unique knowledge – the knowledge manifest in a product that solves one or more practical problems. Unlike several public and private investors, he sees the potential in elastic chewing gum. A disruptive invention can change the chewing gum market and create new non-invasive medical products of great benefit.

CHEWPEER Increases Neuroplasticity

Preliminary studies suggest that CHEWPEER increases neuroplasticity. By neuroplasticity the brain can change and re-program itself even later in life. Without neuroplasticity, we would not be able to learn new things. If the results are confirmed, the products will be indispensable for anyone who wants to optimize their brain or change their thinking habits. Therefore, some models of CHEWPEER can facilitate studying or improve sports performance by increasing the ability to concentrate. You can use other variants to rehabilitate burnout or traffic-injured patients. Hopefully, even cure traumatized or criminal brains. The possibilities are enormous.

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

“There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” The quote from Victor Hugo fits into JAWPEER. The product is both healthier and more environmentally friendly than traditional chewing gum. Our bodies are made for a completely different life than the modern human. We are a herd animal, made for being outdoors a lot and using our teeth as tools. Chew-friendly JAWPEER makes it easier to live as we intended to do. When the research results start to flow in, it will show that JAWPEER is helpful in dentistry, beauty care, and not least in neurological medicine. As the market grows, the patents can form the basis for a business model built on worldwide license distribution.


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What Makes Chewing Gum Attractive?


Faberge egg with a CHEW PEER instead of a diamond ring.

What makes chewing gum attractive? Is JAWPEER attractive for chewing? CHEW PEER Collection is a set of Elastic Chewing Gum – a new and super pleasant experience in many ways. Find out if they are attractive to you, and which one suits you the best. You don’t know unless you have tried.

Attractive products suit different chewing preferences

Chewing preferences vary. If you chew one plastic gum slowly and think that root vegetables are hard to chew, then you will probably like a small and soft CHEW PEER. If you chew more normally or take two gums when you chew plastic gum, you will probably prefer medium. CHEW PEER Hard is for those who really like to chew and want a bigger challenge. A lot of people should have cred for product development. Wise advisors and extensive research lie behind the products. Attractive products are both safe, durable, and useful. Security comes in the first place. Therefore, RISE is engaged to check that the products do not contain harmful substances. The test protocol can be read here.

The concept is sustainable for the future

Sustainability is important, not least for the environment. Chewing gum is a disposable product that takes 20-25 years to break down. Last year, the world’s population chewed 500,000 tonnes of plastic chewing gum, much of which ends up in nature. The goal is to replace 50 plastic chewing gums with a single CHEWPEER. But chewing wears hard and there are almost no materials that meet this sustainable requirement. We are constantly developing, the current product is the latest prototype. In other words, progress is gradually continuing. There is still a way to go before we are really happy with the outcome.

Chewing has many good effects. Therefore, JAWPEER can be useful in many ways. An important effect is the increase of glucose in the central parts of the brain. It can make the user calmer, more focused, and better at problem-solving. This will now be further investigated in a study. If it gives good results, the research continues to investigate the effect of different target groups.

Different target groups are attracted

Elastic chewing gum can be useful for different purposes: oral hygiene, reducing wrinkles, alleviating stress, preventing cheek-biting, increasing concentration, improving facial shape, etc. Several different target groups might be interested. Thus, marketing JAWPEER is an experiment. After all, it is the customers who decide. Which audience is the most interested? Early adopters are invaluable in this context. You can contribute to the development of JAWPEER if you help us to test new areas of usage. Is JAWPEER something for you? Take our test and check.

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Can Powerful Chewing Counteract Dementia?


Powerful chewing can probably counteract dementia. Research has shown that chewing increases blood flow to parts of the brain that suffer from dementia. Every year we get older, blood flow in the brain deteriorates by half a percent. Reduced blood flow means that the brain cells do not get oxygen and nutrition and that they gradually die. It can lead to dementia that is common among the elderly.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia

The most common dementia is Alzheimer’s. It usually comes stealthily after the age of 65. Alzheimer’s disease affects functions such as memory, thinking, and the ability to find things. About 20% of all dementia cases are cerebrovascular, they impair blood flow in the brain. Sufferers often have high blood pressure and many elderly people have both Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. Those affected become slow, have difficulty taking initiative and have problems coping with everyday tasks. Depression can be an early symptom. Read more about different forms of dementia here.

Chewing stimulates the hippocampus

Chewing is an effective way to maintain hippocampus performance, which deteriorates with age. Therefore, powerful chewing can counteract dementia in older people. Chewing increases blood flow in the brain and activates several different brain areas. Oxygen levels increase, among other things, in the hippocampus through chewing. Several studies in humans have shown that powerful chewing is effective in preserving brain functions that otherwise deteriorate with aging. Research from the EU reports on a link between oral health and cognitive functions.

Even healthy people benefit from chewing

Chewing can instantly provide better-thinking, improved word memory, and shortened reaction time. People aged 70-74 years without dementia but with poor chewing ability perform worse on a cognitive test than those with a good chewing ability. The chewing function assesses in terms of the number of teeth, maximum biting force, and the contact surface between the teeth. For normal subjects, all these values are higher than in subjects with cognitive impairment. Results show that chewing is linked to cognitive status, especially in older people.

JAWPEER is a Swedish chewing product with significantly greater chewing resistance than chewing gum. Chewing increases blood flow in the brain. The product developer has Alzheimer’s in the family. He uses CHEWPEER for at least an hour a day for a year and is very clear-minded. He recommends that others who are at risk for developing dementia should consider doing the same. Get JAWPEER and start chewing to keep the brain vital.

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Train Your Most Beautiful Muscles

If you want to train your most beautiful muscles, you should train your face. People often look surprised when asked if they train their facial muscles. “Can I train the face?” Of course you can! Many people train the body every day but few train the face. Facial training is like a blind spot on the map, yet the face is the most visible part of the body. The facial muscles determine our appearance. If you want to look good, your face should be the first thing you train. You can train your face by eating carrots and tough meats but there is a limit to how much you can eat. You can also do Face Yoga and peeling. The downside is that it may take a long time before it gives results.

Train your beautiful facial muscles with JAW PEER

JAW PEER is an efficient way to train your most beautiful muscles. The skin on your face is largely suspended in muscles, which means that the muscles hold the skin in place and you look better after you have trained them. It goes surprisingly fast. Just a few minutes and you’ll see the effects. Then you also feel better because what you see when you look in the mirror affects your mood. The jaw muscle named masseter is the strongest muscle in the body and enamel is the hardest material. The teeth are made to be used as tools and withstand wear. Ordinary chewing gum does not provide the same chewing resistance. In addition, it is a disposable product that leaves junk that is difficult to remove. JAW PEER sells elastic chewing gum. Better both for your face and for the environment.

CHEWPEER superior to competitors

There are other jaw trainers on the market. Some of them look like a big plastic ball that you bite in with your front teeth. The incisals are not made to chew hard so the unnatural bite can damage the jaw. Others are made of less pure material. JAW PEER is manufactured in Sweden from a unique material that withstands great stress. To get the maximum effect, two CHEW PEER should be used simultaneously, one on each side. The shape prevents it from getting stuck in the throat. The structure is designed to stimulate those parts of the brain that increase your concentration and give you faster responsiveness.

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Chewing Power Affects Reward Center – the Power of Chewing

A group of people living in the environment for which our bodies are adapted. They use their mouths not only to eat but also as tools.

Chewing power affects the brain’s reward center – The Power of Chewing is a slogan used by JAW PEER to emphasize that chewing has many good qualities. Our bodies, mouths, or by all means brains haven’t changed much in the last 50,000 years. This means that we are made to live as hunter-gatherers in the African savannah. Life as hunters and collectors was varied and more physical than we are used to. Our ancestors lived together in groups of 20-80 people and moved between different settlements. They shared the data and probably did not have to work no more than 3-4 hours a day.

The Power of Chewing helped us to survive

Instead of watching TV or surfing the web, a lot of time was spent dancing and socializing in the group. They had primitive knives and arrows, but their mouths were their most important tools. Chewing power was a big advantage. Roots, meat, and nuts were chewed to nourish. Plant fiber, tendons and animal hides were chewed to make utensils and clothing. Therefore, the masseter muscle is the strongest muscle, and enamel the hardest material in the body. When the masseter muscle works, it goes to our reward center.

Chewing power affects the reward center in the brain

Human bite strength and chewing power stand up well in relation to our closest genetic relatives to the monkeys, according to an article in National Geographic. But “The Power of Chewing” doesn’t just refer to the power of the bite. The secret is that chewing power affects the reward center – the Power of Chewing is a source of joy. As a positive spinoff effect, blood flow in the central parts of the brain increases when chewing. Those of our ancestors who liked to chew were rewarded through the selective selection of evolution, which is why the brain secretes a pleasant mix of hormones when we chew. “The Power of Chewing” means that when we chew, we become more alert and at the same time more relaxed. To stimulate our biological nature, we should use our mouth more by chewing. JAW PEER is made to help with this.


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Can you get satisfied without eating?

The leptine molecule can make you satisfied without eating

Can you get satisfied without eating? Science is trying to understand how. It’s not a full stomach that makes us satiated, rather a hormone called Leptin. Leptin sends signals to the brain that the stomach is full. Previously, it was thought that leptin was only formed in adipose tissue. New research shows that it is also produced in the salivary glands and oral mucous membranes. The more power you chew with, the more saliva is formed. CHEW PEER stimulates saliva flow and increases total leptin secretion up to three times (P <0,001). source DOI: 10.1210/jcem.86.11.7998

Leptin creates feelings of satiety

The walls of the stomach contain receptors that absorb leptin. It follows the saliva into the stomach where it resorbs. This should make it possible to be satisfied without eating but by chewing and swallowing saliva. Chewing can create satiety sensations that could have biological explanations. Our ancestors who were hunter-gatherers often lived near the famine. When they ran out of food, they had to live on nutrients in roots and bone marrow. Then it was good that they could be satisfied without eating. Starving food has poor nutrients. It means that it takes time to get nutrition by hard chewing. But we can actually enjoy that even today if we have problems with weight or oral health.

One of the test users had JAWPEER to reduce their snacking and to feel saturated without eating. When the candy craving struck, a CHEW PEER entered the mouth. After a few minutes of chewing, the longing for sweets and sweets has disappeared. The product is better for both teeth and Body Mass Index than candies or sweets. If JAWPEER has this effect for multiple users, they can use CHEW PEER to control their weight. According to previous chewing studies, we can at the same time become more alert, think faster, and get better working memory. Other studies suggest that chewing makes it easier to concentrate and manage stress. There are also further studies that suggest that chewing provides better mood, impulse control, oral hygiene, and breath.

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Eat less candy with JAWPEER

eat less candy and feel much better

Eat less candy with JAWPEER. The fact that you get sugar cravings is because of evolution. Our genes have adapted to enable us to live as hunters and collectors on the savannah in Africa. Sweets contain lots of energy. Energy-rich food is rare in nature and our ancestors lived near the famine. That’s why the ancestors who ate all the sweet things they could access survived. It has left its mark on our genes and is one explanation why most people love sweets. Then came the farming community, the industrial community, and the information society, but the brain has not changed. Now we have sweets almost everywhere and the Stone Age brain tells us to eat. An average Swede eats sweets for several thousand kronor a year. We still have our Stone Age behavior. That’s why a lot of people get sick.

Things that stimulate the mouth feeling

Candy isn’t just sweet. They are also made to stimulate the mouth: they have exciting taste and shape and a texture that appeals to the mouthfeel. In today’s world, almost all information is audio and video. Therefore, the mouthfeel is understimulated. Candy is fun to chew on, too bad the content is so full of sugar. Raw food, chewy pieces of meat, and nuts are also fun to chew on if you like the taste, but there are limits to how much you can eat. That’s why JAWPEERhas been created: a series of products that are just for chewing on.

CHEW PEER is made from the same type of material that pacifiers are made of, but they have a more interesting shape. They are durable and comfortable to chew on and have greater chewing resistance than chewing gum. It is difficult to swallow the products by mistake. The brain feels like they can’t be eaten. That’s why we’re not trying to swallow. The nice thing is that you can experience feelings of satiety by just chewing and swallowing some saliva. Chew and enjoy the feeling of having something stimulating in your mouth. Get JAWPEER and eat less candy. You will feel much better when you do not fill your stomach with useless sugar.


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Hunter-Gatherer Chewed Much More Than Us

Hunter-gatherer use their mouths more as tools than modern human.

Hunter-gatherer chewed much more than us. We are designed by evolution to survive in nature like other animals. The jaws are made to chew. Therefore, the enamel of teeth is the hardest material in the body. The masseter muscle is also the strongest muscle in the body. So our bodies are not adapted to the life we live. They are not even made for Agricultural society. The mouth has been the most important tool throughout the history of mankind. We are made to chew as hunter-gatherers do.

Chew like a hunter-gatherer

Skeletons from prehistoric people show that they often have even and smooth teeth. Their tooth surfaces are worn and flat and the front teeth of the upper and lower jaw are often edge to edge. That’s because hunter-gatherers chewed more than us. They used their teeth diligently so that they were subjected to hard abrasion. Our ancestors have bitten roots and bones to bring in us nourishment. They have chewed on plant fiber and animal skin to make clothes, bags and fishing nets. The mouth is adapted for hard chewing, therefore the teeth move in the jaw to give us good chewing surfaces. Wisdom teeth are spare teeth: if we lose a posterior molar tooth, the wisdom tooth moves out and replace it. We have inherited this feature, but we don’t use it.

Dentist Dr Mike Mew and his father John have long argued that chewing has deteriorated in the modern era, and that could be the reason why only humans (and our pets) have crooked teeth, impaired breathing and sunken faces. Father and son Mew have been met not by rational arguments, but by narrow-minded criticism from other dentists for many years. Eventually, science has started to consider their ideas. Their theory is that reduced chewing leads to various dental problems in modern societies that could improve if we used our teeth more. This would mean that the teeth still have the opportunity to move naturally, which means that we can get even rows of teeth and better posture if we obey the Darwinian effectiveness.

Less chewing gives more problems

Now when we don’t use the mouth as much as intended, the parts of the brain that control the jaw region are inactive. When some parts of the brain are bored while others work too much we feel unbalanced. The eyes get overstimulated, we get tired and get headaches. Between 5-15% of the adult population also have facial pain, jaw problems, or grind teeth at night. It may be due to frustrated jaws. JAWPEER is a new chewing tool to stimulate the mouth and jaws based on 10,000-year-old ideas. Hunter-gatherer chewed much more than us. Now when JAWPEER exists, you can chew more.
