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Manage Your Emotions by Chewing

You can manage you emotions by chewing. This is a reason to use JAWPEER.

Did you know that you can deal with emotions by chewing? Frustration, anxiety, anger, fear, hubris, jealousy, and nervousness often lead to tension in the mouth and jaws. Chewing is a part of digestion that we can control consciously. This means that we can use our teeth to deal with emotions. Biting helps to balance the basic functions of the brain and control strong emotions.

Have you ever wondered why crispy food is so popular, why chips, biscuits, and cereals often promote with the word “crispy”? Biting and chewing appeal to parts of the brain that are very old. For predators, teeth are the body’s built-in weapon. The combination of teeth, jaws, and cranial nerves connect parts of the brain that are over 500 million years old and that all vertebrates have in common.

Chewing Releases Natural Aggression

Psychologists use to explain children’s desire to bite and chew on things by referring to our natural aggression. The bite reflex is vital for infants in connection with breastfeeding. By biting the nipple, the baby stimulates milk production. When the baby no longer receives food from the breast, it begins to bite into other things to stimulate the mouth. Pleasure is often associated with the mouth, but also its opposites: pain and anger.

In many psychological analyzes of oral needs, the jaw is associated with anger and aggression. When these feelings are held back, they can manifest themselves as tension in the face and clenched jaw. Unresolved aggression has also been used as an explanation for bruxism – that many people gnash their teeth at night.

Manage Your Emotions by Chewing JAWPEER

Because we can control chewing consciously, we can also satisfy our craving to bite. It does not have to be about anger and aggression at all. Many people feel like biting when they see very attractive objects, like cute animals, babies, or sexy people. The phenomenon is called “cute aggression”. Regardless, it is a matter of dealing with emotions by chewing. Strong emotions trigger hormone storms in the brain. JAWPEER’s chewing resistance allows you to express feelings properly with the teeth, chew until the jaw muscles burns, and enjoy the feeling.

Just as predators show their teeth and bite their jaws when they get angry or scared, people channel their emotions via facial muscles. Research shows that chewing calms the HPA-axis that produces stress hormones. From an evolutionary perspective, chewing and biting is a way to regulate the levels of adrenaline and cortisol that can damage the brain if they overflow.

Many People Chew Their Food Far Too Little

Chewing secretes saliva that releases flavors from food. It satisfies the sense of taste and helps regulate digestion. But many do not enjoy the taste. They are driven by a desire to quickly swallow the bites. One reason may be tension or aggression in relation to food that is expressed in binge eating. Food psychologist Marc David believes that TMJ (jaw problems) is also often due to repressed emotions.

The drive to swallow whole bites can be seen as an expression of our approach to the world. We want to satisfy our desires but are not willing to make the necessary sacrifices. The need for instant satisfaction leads to binge eating and poor chewing. Ironically, we get hungrier if we do not chew enough. The saliva that is secreted when we chew contains the hormone Leptin which is taken up by the stomach and gives feelings of satiety.

Chewing Is a Way To Deal With Emotions

Many people get an outlet for their suppressed aggression by biting crunchy food or sweets. It seems that they are venting their anger over the chips, cheesecakes or breakfast cereals. They throw in the food and then there is a feeling of calm. This is not a good way to deal with the problem as it can upset the metabolism and lead to obesity. But there are other, less destructive way to express the anger and frustration.

Bite cravings are common. It can be about dealing with unpleasant feelings that we want to avoid. Frustration, anxiety, anger, hatred, fear, hubris or nervousness often lead to tension in the jaws. If you feel a strong need to bite into something hard and chew it properly, it’s nice to have JAWPEER nearby.

Do you have a personal story about chewing that you want to share? Feel free to write a comment!

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My Personal Science Toolkit

My personal Science toolkit: Breath, Garmin Forerunner, Oxymeter, Mendi and JAWPEER

I am responsible for my own development, so I have a personal science toolkit. Besides the mobile with Lumosity and the Excel Sheets, I use a Garmin Watch, Oximeter, Literature, and of course JAWPEER. Mendi’s neurofeedback is a new, interesting tool. My hope is that Mendi’s device makes it easier to optimize my personal goals. I have modest goals. Strive for good health, night sleep, and a well-functioning mind. Mendi claims that their device can enhance brain performance, therefore I will try and explore it.

Breath, Heartbeat, and Deep Brain

Personal Science is about applying quantitative methods to analyze one’s personal health. New technology and knowledge like James Nestor’s bestselling book ‘Breath’ make it possible to learn to know yourself better. Internal systems in your body monitor and regulate your metabolism including breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and neurotransmitters. Your “superficial” consciousness is not aware of these systems. The deep brain regulates them.

The Outside Brain Monitor Layer

At the core of your nervous system is the Brainstem, the Cerebellum, and the Basal Ganglia. They handle the basic functions, common to all vertebrates. Closer to the Cerebral Cortex are the more human species-specific brain parts that include our ability to communicate. In the last 50 years, communication has exploded. With the help of new communication technology, we have built a new monitoring layer outside the Cerebral Cortex – the Information Society.

Knowledge for Good Rather Than Evil

Information Society is bidirectional. It gives information to you and takes information from you. Body temperature and blood tests inform about your physical status. Surveillance cameras ensure that you follow the laws and rules. Knowledge can be used for good and evil. A dictatorship can monitor the people to frighten and suppress them. Or we can use the new information layer to enhance and liberate ourselves. In this way, a personal science toolkit can be empowering.

Empowered By a Personal Science Toolkit

Overall, globalism moves toward more liberty and individualism. It increases personal freedom and responsibility for one’s own life. Monitor yourself to maximize your knowledge and independence. This is the essence of personal science. With the option of self-monitoring comes the ability to change, optimize and become a better version of yourself. No other than you can tell what is better. Which parameters are most interesting? What are your goals? Here are some screenshots of my last goal achieved.

Screenshots from Lumosity results, likely due to JAWPEER use

If you are interested in brain-enhancing, I recommend elastic chewing gum. I use them a lot for the last two years. To monitor the progress I use the app Lumosity. Lumosity is an invaluable brain training device. The result from using CHEW PEER is interesting. Recently, I passed 800 points in Lumosity. Remember my happiness when I scored 600 not long ago. Now my results are in the 99.8 percentile and I have no plans to stop improving.

Huberman Lessons About Neuroplasticity

Stanford professor Andrew Huberman gives a neurology course at YouTube. I highly recommend the Huberman Lab. Huberman tells that neuroplasticity is necessary for efficient brain training. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to reprogram, improve and adapt. The best conclusion from my own experiences is that CHEW PEER increases neuroplasticity. Therefore, I think JAWPEER should be a tool in the personal science toolkit. At least if you like to improve your brain health.

The Role of CHEW PEER in My Personal Science Toolkit

How can CHEW PEER increase neuroplasticity? Here is my theory: Some 100 million years ago the jaw was a pumping organ, almost like a second heart. It still pumps when we chew food. The belly requires a lot of blood to melt the food. If the brain doesn’t get enough blood, we can become unconscious. When we chew, the jaw pumps extra blood to the brain to prevent this. Chewing without food increases the effect even more because there is no competing belly. Additionally, the mouth wires to the central parts of the brain by five cranial nerves. When we chew the blood goes to the activated parts of the brain, which happens to be the parts that trigger neuroplasticity.

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Protect From Burnout With the Jaws

Other animals use the jaw to control feelings too.

How can the jaws protect from burnout? Evolution gives us important clues to how we can protect the brain from stress. Jaws evolved 400 million years ago. Then all life on earth lived in the sea. In the beginning, the jaws were pumping organs, closely related to the heart. During evolution, the heart ended up in the chest and the jaws in the head. While the heart pumps automatically, the jaws developed into a consciously controlled organ.

Our species Homo Sapiens is only 300 000 years old. As embryos, however, we go through the evolution in ultra-rapid. In early fetal development, the heart and jaw are two similar folds next to each other. At week five, they begin to separate. Both are super vital to us. The jaws make sure that we get nutrition and the heart pumps it around in the body. The jaws specialized for hunting, defense, and chewing. Therefore, the teeth are the hardest parts of the body and the masticatory muscle masseter is the strongest muscle.

Limbic System in Imbalance in Case of Burnout

Our jaws are made to deal with severe emotional problems that cause irritation, aggression, or frustration. The jaws are the most moving part of the face used to communicate emotions. Therefore, the chewing organ is linked to the limbic system in the brain that regulates emotions. Other animals chew more and harder. Vertebrates hunt, eat, ruminate and defend themselves with their jaws. Modern humans no longer use their jaws for hunting and defense, but the biological connections remain.

Jaws Are Connected to Emotions

The limbic system controls our ability to adapt socially and socialize with other people. An imbalance in the limbic system is often behind mental problems and burnout. Therefore, the jaws still have strong emotional ties. We react to psychologically overwhelming feelings with the jaws. Many linguistic expressions suggest how the jaws are connected to different emotions. We say that we drop our jaw in surprise, clench our jaw and grind our teeth when we get angry, and laugh until the jaw hurts when we have really fun.

Chew To Protect Yourself From Burnout

The connection of the jaws to the limbic system can protect you from burnout by chewing. Several studies have shown that mental stress and disharmony are related to jaw problems and bruxism. From a psychosomatic perspective, unresolved mental problems are transferred to the chewing organ and physically processed with the jaws. Using chewing as a channel for stress is an effective and risk-free solution to the problem of stress management. Many studies in recent years have shown that chewing with strong chewing resistance can help reduce stress and thus protect your brain from harmful stress and burnout.

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Can Powerful Chewing Counteract Dementia?


Powerful chewing can probably counteract dementia. Research has shown that chewing increases blood flow to parts of the brain that suffer from dementia. Every year we get older, blood flow in the brain deteriorates by half a percent. Reduced blood flow means that the brain cells do not get oxygen and nutrition and that they gradually die. It can lead to dementia that is common among the elderly.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia

The most common dementia is Alzheimer’s. It usually comes stealthily after the age of 65. Alzheimer’s disease affects functions such as memory, thinking, and the ability to find things. About 20% of all dementia cases are cerebrovascular, they impair blood flow in the brain. Sufferers often have high blood pressure and many elderly people have both Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. Those affected become slow, have difficulty taking initiative and have problems coping with everyday tasks. Depression can be an early symptom. Read more about different forms of dementia here.

Chewing stimulates the hippocampus

Chewing is an effective way to maintain hippocampus performance, which deteriorates with age. Therefore, powerful chewing can counteract dementia in older people. Chewing increases blood flow in the brain and activates several different brain areas. Oxygen levels increase, among other things, in the hippocampus through chewing. Several studies in humans have shown that powerful chewing is effective in preserving brain functions that otherwise deteriorate with aging. Research from the EU reports on a link between oral health and cognitive functions.

Even healthy people benefit from chewing

Chewing can instantly provide better-thinking, improved word memory, and shortened reaction time. People aged 70-74 years without dementia but with poor chewing ability perform worse on a cognitive test than those with a good chewing ability. The chewing function assesses in terms of the number of teeth, maximum biting force, and the contact surface between the teeth. For normal subjects, all these values are higher than in subjects with cognitive impairment. Results show that chewing is linked to cognitive status, especially in older people.

JAWPEER is a Swedish chewing product with significantly greater chewing resistance than chewing gum. Chewing increases blood flow in the brain. The product developer has Alzheimer’s in the family. He uses CHEWPEER for at least an hour a day for a year and is very clear-minded. He recommends that others who are at risk for developing dementia should consider doing the same. Get JAWPEER and start chewing to keep the brain vital.

explore JAWPEER

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Clear thoughts with JAWPEER

Think clear thoughts with JAW PEER. The brain stimulates if we have things in our mouths. Studies have shown that the prefrontal part of the cerebral cortex stimulates when we chew. This area governs our rational thinking. Therefore, we activate parts of the head that make us think clearly, quickly, and logically by chewing. No wonder why we put food, sweets, snuff, cigarettes, nails, or anything else in our mouths when we need to think. Actually, it is no wonder that the brain is so closely tied to the mouth: it provides the energy that supplies the cerebral system. The mouth and jaw have more connections to the brain than the optic nerve.

The mouth is important to the brain

The brain wants to know what we’re ingesting, which is why it prioritizes the mouth. Therefore, unfortunately, many persons eat too much. Drugs, snacks, and sweets stimulate the brain in the short term but can hurts us in the long run. If you like to put things in your mouth, you can do it without getting harmful substances or gaining weight. JAWPEER helps you fool the brain. You can think clear thoughts with JAW PEER while dampening the need for oral stimulation.

Clearer thoughts with JAW PEER

We’re thinking clearer when we use the mouth. That’s why oral stimulation use to makes us happy. JAWPEER stimulates the brain through the mouth. The only thing that secretes is our own saliva that cleans the teeth. The saliva also contains an enzyme that can suppress hunger. It’s not the stomach that feels hunger but the brain. A test user went to the store to buy candy and chewed JAWPEER on the way. When he arrived, the hunger feelings were gone. The brain however was still happy.

JAWPEER satisfies the brain’s need for oral stimulation. Firstly, JAWPEER resists 40 times more pressure than chewing gum as measured by a Durometer. This means that the chewing muscles work harder, more blood rises to the head and we think better. Secondly, JAWPEER is environmentally friendly. It can be used every day for a month, unlike chewing gum which is a disposable product. In other words, JAWPEER is an intelligent chewing product. Because it provides greater chewing resistance, you get more blood supply to the central parts of the brain. It can make you think better, relax, and control the situation. If you’re not satisfied with JAWPEER, then you’ll get your money back.


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Help for children with ADHD

Help for children with ADHD. New smart chewing products allow them to move and increase the blood in the brain while working.

It seems that chewing can be a good help for children with ADHD. “Mom, I’m getting a lot more focused!” said a boy who tested a CHEWPEER.

Children with ADHD need help to succeed in school. CHEWPEER can improve their concentration. Better concentration means that children become more structured and feel an inner calm when they work. When we work concentrated, we should take a five-minute break every half hour. Sometimes we get restless and want to move. By chewing, children can move without the surroundings noticing. By chewing on something that provides proper chewing resistance, the need to move can be satisfied without running.

Several studies show that working memory and motor skills improve in children with ADHD who move a lot. Chewing has special properties because it stimulates the parts of the brain that handle planning and control as well as reduces stress. However, there has been no research on CHEWPEER and ADHD. Children with special needs could probably benefit from CHEWPEER, as it has no taste and can also be reused. Teachers often regard chewing gum as candy, which is not allowed in lessons. They find it harder to say no to a product aimed to increase concentration.

CHEW PEER can be a help for children with ADHD

The masseter muscle is made to work hard. The chewing resistance makes the muscle work, which increases the blood supply to the head. CHEWPEER thus stimulates the brain’s center of planning and impulse control. It activates the parts that control Amygdala and enhances the cognitive effect.

CHEWPEER is a discreet way to increase concentration; so small that it is hardly noticeable. It can be hard to have a big thing in your mouth when you are with peers. A child with ADHD has enough worries though. CHEWPEER is stored in JAWPEER, a small toolbox that the child can carry to school. Chewing gum is classified as candy and is not allowed to have in class. CHEW PEER tastes nothing. The product is made to increase concentration. Therefore, teachers cannot deny students the right to use them. As a parent, JAWPEER is an easy and effective way to facilitate the life of their beloved child with a diagnosis. The products can thus be helpful for children with ADHD. If they don’t work as a tool, you’ll get your money back.


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Chewing Is a Revolution for the Brain

A revolutionary movement: picture represented the Russian Revolution

Chewing is a revolution for the brain. Revolution means upheaval, that things move around and change places. The word is mostly used about external radical social or technological changes, but equally radical things happen internally in the body. When we chew CHEW PEER, there is a revolution where the chewing movement itself is the engine. The effect is an increased blood flow to the central parts of the brain. The blood supplies the brain with oxygen and glucose that makes us feel good. But the blood also contains fluid that fills the ventricles – the cavity of the brain – with cerebrospinal fluid. When we straining the brain, it burns energy. During combustion, residues are formed which must be flushed away. We do this at night when we sleep using the cerebrospinal fluid.

Chewing creates a revolutionary wave in the brain

Chewing is a revolution for the brain. But it’s not just the metabolism that makes chewing a revolution. In addition to the increased blood flow, the revolution also creates a powerful wave in the brain that is visible on the EEG. Brain waves affect each other. Therefore, it is likely that the bite rate affects our entire state of mind in a thorough way that we have not quite mapped yet. However, we know little about the usual waves of the brain. We have four different types of brain waves ever present in the brain. Different waves dominate at different times. Through the EEG, researchers have studied the effects of these waves:

  • Alpha waves (8-13 Hz): activated just before we fall asleep, when we rest or lie out in the sun. Associated with relaxation.
  • Beta waves (13-32 Hz): the fastest waves created when we are stressed, disturbed by noise or study hard. They represent an intense activity that occurs in the brain. People with anxiety produce a lot of beta waves.
  • Teta waves (4-8 Hz): they are responsible for the feeling of “flow” that has been likened to walking on clouds. They create relaxation and allow creative ideas to flow, but often lead to drowsiness.
  • Delta waves (0.5-4 Hz): the type of waves that the brain forms during deep sleep. Chewing creates a delta wave, as do our steps when we practice running. Then you would think that we get tired of chewing and exercising, but it is the other way around. Many studies suggest that we instead get awake and alert to chewing. And that’s what we’re actually doing by sleeping, too. JAWPEER is thus a revolutionary movement that can have as good effects as deep sleep.


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Control Your Stress by Chewing

Rats can cope with stress by chewing. There is much evidence that people can use the same strategy

Is it possible to control your stress by chewing? Rats can cope with stress this way. Stress impairs the nerve signals that control the ability to think, remember, and learn. Our brains can be damaged by repeated stressful situations. In the worst case, the damages become permanent. For ethical reasons, therefore, no stress studies are made on humans. Instead, poor rats are stressed in the laboratory. The rat trials may be horrible, but if we can learn from them much is gained.

Rats can control their stress by chewing

A scientific study allowed two groups of rats to be exposed to very stressful situations. One group had to chew on a piece of wood to cope with the stress, while the other group had nothing to gnaw at. They then took blood samples of the rats at different times and measured how the stress had affected the ability of brain cells to transmit signals. Within 24 hours, the nerve signals were restored for the rats chewing during the stress, while the signal transmission remained low in the group not chewing.

Relationship between stress and obesity

The study in the rats showed that chewing had a positive impact on the rat brain’s ability to cope with stress. Chewing improves recovery after stress in rats may indicate that chewing is a good strategy for dealing with severe stress even in humans. However, we should not gnaw at pieces of wood because it can cause splinters to stick in the gums. Eating a lot of food is also not good. There is a link between stress and overweight. Since rats can cope with stress by chewing, it is perhaps not so strange if humans work the same. Many stressed people also get the urge to put food and sweets in their mouths, which can cause overweight and other health problems.

From DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2018.03.008

Now there is finally something to bite into that does not increase the waist circumference. JAW PEER is a product designed to help people who place high demands on themselves. People who feel they are on the verge of being burnt out can chew on a CHEW PEER to cope with stress. This avoids risking damage to the brain that tough stress can lead to. But if the alarm bells ring for burnout, you should not only acquire CHEW PEER, but also acquire healthier habits.


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Get Better Study Results if You Chew

Get better study results if you chew. Dont use a pencil to chew on. Use JAWPEER.

Studying and chewing works well together. It is not enough just to study hard, you also have to be able to focus on the degree assignment. It seems to be easier to focus if you chew at the same time. A scientific study showed that you increase the blood in parts of the frontal lobe when chewing. Therefore, those who chew may find it easier to focus. The brain can more easily shield things that interfere when you are concentrated. Therefore, it is smart for students to use CHEW PEER at important tests.

Chewing activates important parts of the brain

An area that is activated when chewing is called the prefrontal cortex. The area belongs to the most recently developed parts of the brain. It controls, among other things, working memory and spatial thinking. Chewing can thus improve working memory and at the same time increase concentration. Therefore, those who study have a lot to gain from chewing. From DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2008.03.033

Better study results if you chew

Students who chew in conjunction with tests do better according to a study. That’s why it’s good to have something to chew on when you’re studying. The study also examined whether the students experienced stress during graduation. The results showed that the students who chewed felt significantly better. In addition, they performed better in comparison. This means that chewing also seems to affect how we feel. Therefore, students are recommended to study and chew at the same time.
From DOI: 10.1002/smi.2872


JAW PEER is a box with CHEW PEER and other accessories. CHEW PEER is made to chew on. There are different types of CHEW PEER; soft medium and hard. Soon they will also be available in different sizes. Accessories include a safety line and an instruction sheet. But soon there will also be oils to reduce the chewing sound. They have taste and other additives that can enhance the desirable effects of chewing. Two CHEW PEER’s are chewed with both chewing surfaces at the same time for maximum effect.

The softer and smaller variants are more suitable for relaxation and anti-stress. Bigger and harder CHEW PEER is better for jaw training and sports. The products are elastic and retain their shape and elasticity after chewing. Therefore, they are not disposable products but can be reused. All variants provide greater chewing resistance measured with Shore Durometer than regular chewing gum. Which variant you choose is a matter of taste. A starter kit with several different variants is made to try out. Then you’ll be able to subscribe to the one you like best. All variants make it easy to study and chew.
